Find a Feeder

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Funding for Schools In State Tax Budget Looking Good!

Passed in the House. Passed in the Senate. Now Governor Tom Corbett needs to sign the budget!

If he does it will be great news for the Upper Darby School District! State Representative Nicolas Micozzi and State Representative Margo Davidson were proud to announce that after much hard work and communication with residents in the Upper Darby School District they have worked with other representatives to successfully restore $2.726 million for the Upper Darby School District.

Anyone who has been following my blog (or a group of other local bloggers and newspaper reporters or NBC10) is aware that earlier this year the District announced they would have to make cuts in foreign language and tech classes due to lack of funding. Other special classes like art, phys ed, and music, as well as librarians would have to be cut in order to balance the school district budget due to state funding shortfalls.

Parents in the school district were up in arms and took to posting signs in their front yards that read "Save Upper Darby Arts."

Several state representatives worked together to successfully restore $2.726 million for the Upper Darby School District. The District announced earlier this year that it would have to cut foreign language and technology classes due to lack of funding. The District also planned to cut specialized teachers in art, music and physical education in order to balance its budget.

The final budget agreement restores $100 million Accountability Block Grants Program for schools.  $726,000 is earmarked for the Upper Darby School District. Micozzie pledged to work with Governor Tom Corbett and other leaders in the legislature give an additional 2 million to the district to help the Upper Darby School board restore teacher cuts in special programs.

Micozzie stated " I was pleased to have Representative Davidson and Senator Erickson join me in my call for additional funding. This money will go a long way in helping the district meet its budget goals. Specifically, the $2 million line item in the 2012-13 budget is expected to be a recurring appropriation each year. I am confident the school board and district officials will make sure each dollar is spent in a manner that will best meet the needs of the students."

(Lets hope the school board follows through!) Kudos to Micozzie for his hard work on this issue.

Pennsylvania State representative Margo Davidson also worked hard on this issue. She was quoted as saying:  "After numerous meetings and communications with members of the community, I worked diligently to find a solution including making recommendations at school board meetings and offering an amendment on the House floor. I then began meeting with Representative Micozzie and we were on the same page from the very beginning. I also want to thank the House Appropriations majority chairman, Bill Adolph, who listened to Representative Micozzie and me and took those concerns to the governor, which resulted in this agreement for this appropriation." 

Davidson also noted that she was pleased to be "able to work across the aisle for the people of my district to get this done."

The 2012-2013 state budget bill was passed on Thursday, and  followed by passage by the Senate on Friday. Gov. Corbett recieved it for signing the same day.

Earlier this week the Upper Darby School District said it would restore most of the specialized classes if they received the additional funding but they were not going to wait for the state to act before making their own budget cuts.  We'll wait to see their follow through.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sandusky Not Forfeiting $59,000 Pension?

Jerry Sandusky, former assistant football coach at Penn State who was convicted of 45 of 48 criminal counts surrounding his abuse of children over fifteen years, will still recieve his pension of $59,000 a year. It seems Sandusky's crimes do not fall under PA Act 140, a state statute that allows prosecutors to require criminals to forfeit their pensions. Although Sandusky is likely to spend the rest of his life in prison (at our expense) we also get to pay him his $59,000 pension. What's wrong with this picture?

You and I will work to pay taxes to house and feed Sandusky. But he also gets to gouge us for $59,000 for his pension. What is wrong with those who crafted this statute that they neglected to included child abusers under this statute? Instead Act 140 covers crimes like forgery, witness tampering, embezzlement and other similar crimes. 140 is meant to cover a wide range of abuse of power while an individual holds a position in a public entity.

While many have commented that Pennsylvania lawmakers should immediately get to work to reform this law where does that leave Sandusky? Richer each year by $59,000. Any laws passes now likely would not be enforcable retroactively so Sandusky will continue to collect.

My only hope is that civil law suits will take every cent the man has now as well as his yearly $59,000. It is obscene that I have to pay state taxes to give this man one cent. I encourage you to contact your lawmakers to make thoughtful changes to this law, this time taking into account any criminal activity by a public official.

I realize $59,000 isn't a huge sum. But as we sit in a state that doesn't have enough money to pay education costs it seems that paying Sandusky any money out of the state budget is another crime! Sandusky's crimes are far worse than any of the crimes currently covered in Act 140.  We need to stop adding insult to injury by allowing the state to pay him his pension.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No Bathing Suits on the Boardwalk?

You may have heard on the news that the seaside town of Asbury Park has a law on the books that says "No bathing suits on the boardwalk!" Louise Murray, chairwoman of the Republican Party in Asbury Park wants Asbury to enforce this ancient law of no bathing suits on the boards.

It seems that for decades, there has been a little-known ordinance in the Monmouth County city that bans bathing suits on the boardwalk. The law reads:  "No person clad in bathing attire shall be on the boardwalk or the public walks adjacent thereto."

They must be kidding! So you go to the beach (wearing, what else? your bathing suit of course!) and you have paid Asbury Park $70 for a seasonal beach tag (outrageous!) but you have to wear your shorts, shirt, shoes and gold plated beach tag (because for $70 it better be gold plated!) to make the Republicans in town happy? What are those Republicans smoking these days?

I certainly support the right of someone walking across the boardwalk in Asbury Park to get to the beach to wear their bathing suit. When it's 90 degrees in the shade wearing several layers of clothing to go the beach seems extreme.

Ms. Murray, chairwoman of the local Republican party, is worried skimpy attire at the boardwalk’s bars and restaurants is threatening to wipe away Asbury Park’s image as a "classy" Jersey Shore town.

What she doesn't say is that in all likelihood the law dates back to when Asbury Park was founded by James Bradley, a bishop in the Methodish Episcopal Chruch. And at that time there were places to change into your bathing suit and walk to the beach without walking on the boardwalk. But times sure are changing and Ms. Murray needs to wake up.

Sure, a 'no shirt, no shoes, no service' is a reasonable request if you are going into a bar, restaurant or upscale store. But hey, it's a BEACH.

And while I understand Ms. Murray may not be heading to the beach to catch some rays or swim plenty of people are. Don't rain on their parade!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Disappointment Reigns In Upper Darby As Parents Feel Not Enough Has Been Done To Keep The Arts Programs

Tonight was a tough night for parents, students, teachers and yes, even the school board in Upper Darby School District. The formerly threatened cuts in all music and art programs have been partially reinstated after an enraged group made up of families, teachers, and other interested parties took to the airwaves and the Internet as well as posting signs in front yards to protest the wholesale decimation of a well known arts program in the School District.

Most famous alum of Upper Darby's Arts Program? Tina Fey of Saturday Night Live Fame and Second City as well as 30 Rock fame is just one of the students who have gone on to fame and fortune from Upper Darby's Arts Program.

Tonight it was announced that 19 positions have been reinstated, but some is not enough. There will not be a trained school librarian for five years of elementary school! If that is not a disgrace to eduation I do not know what is. Cuts in foreign languages and tech ed also make no sense to the enraged parents and students.

There is some hope of some last minute funding of approximately 2 million dollars, but the district has only said they will use it in the best way possible, not that it will be used to reinstate teacher and program cuts.

As a citizen of Upper Darby Township I think there are a few things that would make more sense.  Like enforcing that students attending our schools actually live in the school district and aren't just taking the El and the trolley to school each day from Philadelphia in an attempt to flee Philly schools. This continues to be a problem for a school district that is easily accessible to the population of Philadelphia.

Or doing away with the busing of many students and letting students ride Septa to school or 'gasp!' god forbid WALK to school. Our home is right on the border of students who have to walk vs. those who get a bus to school. Why one block should make that big a difference makes no sense to me. And if one block doesn't make a difference, why not two or three. We complain about how out of shape today's students are, why not have them walk to school? It would give them exercise and fresh air away from their computers and video games not to mention take off those extra pounds. Meanwhile we could trim the budget fat those buses are costing us.

Those yellow buses have to be costing us a fortune to use, gas and insure not to mention pay bus drivers to drive.

I know, I don't have all the answers. But cutting out librarians? Teachers? That makes way less dollars or cents to me. And certainly no sense at ALL.

For more information about the meeting tonight and the reaction of parents, teachers, and students read U.D. School Board approves budget.

**I am not affiliated with the Upper Darby School District or the governing body of Upper Darby Township other than as a citizen. A very concerned citizen!

Marrying Technology and Beer? Only Your iPad Could Do It!

Click on link below:
Video from YouTube iPad Beer at Hofbraehaus in Munich

You know your iPad can do anything, but this... I must admit it never occurred to me! I had to share it with you. It's magical! Totally clever! Now it seems to me if they can get beer out of an iPad they ought to be able to get the squirrels off my bird feeder. Don't you think? Are you listening iPad geeks?

Friday, June 22, 2012

Let Your Birds Dine At A Modern Bird Café

Feed your birds in style at this chic Bird Cafe (yes, I know, this may not "defeat the squirrels," I haven't tried it out yet, but it looks so, so cool! And actually it looks small enough that it just might be tough for the squirrels to hang onto.

It reminds me of a fish condo that I saw for sale a few months ago (that I decided was way too impractical based on cleaning problems! Not sure if this Bird Café feeder will have the same issues thistle feeders occasionally do of the seed going bad inside the feeder when it gets wet. I guess I'll have to try it to see!

The price is a reasonable $19.95 on sale so if you find it doesn't work well, it won't break your heart! (How many feeders have you tossed out over the years for a variety of reason? Probably more than you'd like to admit!) So give this Bird Café a try, and see if your birds flock to it and make it the most popular 'restaurant' in town.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Evolution of Disease

You've seen them all. The advertising for those 'new' diseases. The ones that suddenly are the 'disease du jour.' Acid Reflux. GERD.  Who hasn't heard of these dire disasters about to befall each and every American who watches television.

Acid reflux... it sounds like that old Pepto Bismol ad for 'in-di-ges-tion! The ad that made you feel like you weren't part of the 'in crowd' if you didn't suffer from it. What is acid reflux? A problem that sounds almost as bad as it feels! Acid reflux is when partially digested food and the acid from your stomach come back up the esophagus while you are suffering from H-E-A-R-T-B-U-R-N! Ugh! Can't say it sounds like fun! These symptoms could mean you are suffering from GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) where the acid can damage your esophagus if you suffer from it long enough.

What can you do to beat reflux? Some physicians may prescribe some proton pump inhibitors and other digestive aiding drugs to help with digestion and help heal your esophagus. See a specialist and get evaluated A.S.A.P.

Another way to avoid reflux? Avoid the foods that trigger it in you, things like chocolate, tomatoes, fried foods, caffeine, onions or alcohol. Eating after 7PM is especially problematic for patients who suffer from reflux. If you think food may be the problem, start an elimination diet to discover which food is the culprit.

Another option, relax. I know, it sounds simple, but I know for many of you it isn't. Build enough flexibility into your day so you can relieve stress and tension.  Another option, no more girdle or spanx! I don't know a woman alive who wouldn't love to ditch her girdle (if she's old enough to still be wearing one!) It seems any kind of control panties or girdles can cause problems. The easiest option? Let gravity work for you. Prop up the head of your bed when you sleep approximately six inches for some preventive medicine that's inexpensive and easy!

A harder option, shed some of those excess pounds! GROAN! Also take the time to chew food all the way before swallowing.  This will help your digestive enzymes break down the food you eat. Other options? Eat cooked veggies, try natural soothers like aloe very juice, and chew gum to relieve acid. Add ginger root supplements to your daily vitamins.

To avoid stress try yoga, meditation or massage (OK, now you are on my page! I must have a massage!) Acupuncture  (another personal favorite of mine) is another option to improve symptoms when used with drugs to reduce acid production.

So no matter what your choice of treatments might be (and I suspect it will be a combination of the above), it's important to start treatment NOW! You really don''t want holes in your esophagus! So beat the stress, beat the GERD, beat the reflux! And take some time to watch the birds at your bird feeder (or even the squirrels who keep trying to steal their food!)

How Hot Is It?

How hot was it today? Hot enough to head for Mad Mex in Willow Grove! Dinner time was the time for some great Cal-Mex food! The heat in the food cools you off, and if you head to Mad Mex you can also enjoy their Big Azz Margaritas or great craft beers for some additional cooling.

We were doubly fortunate, it was my husband's birthday (so he had signed up for their Birthday Club) and had a free burrito! Mad Mex doesn't just serve a burrito, no it serves a BIG AZZ Burrito! I've never seen a burrito that big in my life! (Our waitstaff, Tasha, very nicely boxed it up for him to bring home ) (I'm hoping he's not eating it for breakfast in the morning!)

Manager Dave greeted us and welcomed us to Mad Mex. This guy works hard! I can't remember the last time I saw a manager who was so on top of everything happening in the restaurant. Everyone from the hostess (who greeted and sat us promptly) to the waitstaff and bus persons were all working hard to get everyone their food and anything else that needed refilling ( those Big Azz Margaritas or beers!)

I know it's going to be another hot day today and tomorrow, so if you are looking for a great place to go and cool off, head to Mad Mex, locally in University City and Willow Grove.

My personal recommendations? The jumbo shrimp fajitas! Like the burrito, it was a huge serving, unlike my husband, I ate mine! Pigged out enjoying the shrimp but left some of the fajita toppings and taco shells. These certainly could feed you for more than one meal! By all means wrap half up and take it home! Beware the cilantro lime dressing, it's super hot (at least to this New Jersey wimp!) I'll skip salad next time and just enjoy my entree.

So if you are looking for a fun destination for tomorrow where you can cool off and enjoy some great food, head to your local Mad Mex! And enjoy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Take That Job And Shove It!

I've known people who have found some odd things in our trash cans in my lifetime, but the other night my husband came inside and insisted I come out and see what was in our trashcan. (Anyone who knows me knows my answer was of the immediate "are you nuts" variety. I mean who wants to go peeking in trash, even their own?) GROSS!

Three days later I'm STILL hearing about it. (I now know why older people love their hearing aids and the ability to turn the volume up or down or off!) I STILL do not want to go sticking my head into our trash, especially since he now informs me it's been floating in there for the last three days. YUCK!

His next attempt to lure me outside is "And it looks like a hairless pig!" I'm almost curious enough to go look, but the stink factor keeps me away. But only almost! I mean I had a fetal pig in high school that I had to carry around in a coffee can for weeks at a time--it was not a pretty sight (and it smelled to high heaven too!)

I gave him suggestions meant to keep him out of my hair like "Call the CSI department at "XYZ College", maybe they need something to practice figuring out decomposition on." I mean hey, CSIs have to be trained on something, last I heard lots of schools put a dead pig in a trash can for months and they let the lucky students test the maggots. (OH god, cannot imagine who would want that JOB!) I now know why someone would sing "Take this job and shove it!")

Then I tried "Call animal control, maybe it's an animal that was sick and they'll want to know about it" (yes, I am SURE they'd want to know, at least more than I do!).

Or "Did you ask our next door?" (Unfortunately for me, but fortunately for them, they'd gone on vacation!)

Then I tried "Just grab your shovel and bury it deep, really deep." (Figured the deeper he buried it the longer it would take and the less I'd have to hear about it!)

Finally (thank goodness!) it was trash day and our trash men came and took it away! Now I just get to hear about it, not urged to go see it.

Does anyone else have a spouse who just can't LEAVE IT ALONE? I mean once you've made it obviously you are not going to go running to 'look at it.' It's like having a four year old again! Yes, I suppose it's a good thing he was out putting the trash cans away, and that he wasn't sitting inside watching a movie or reruns on television, but please! please! please! NO MORE PIG STORIES! Enough is enough!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Father's Day Gift Of The Year

YouTube promotional slide show by Weber Grills

The Father's Day gift of the year (aside from that great breakfast your kids will make you to eat in bed) is the KettlePizza! KettlePizza? I have to admit this is the first I've heard of these, but some clever designers have devised these great attachments for your Weber Grills that  will let you cook everything from pizzas to grilling a double stack of wings and corn! Perfect for the Dad who is a grill addict.  Better yet for all those summer BBQs that need a lift!

KettlePizza began in 2010 when some businessmen came up with a great new way to cook on a Weber Grill. Al Contarino and his partner George Peters designed and manufactured KettlePizza out of Al's bar in Massachusetts. 

They quickly became so popular that it was necessary to move to larger quarters in Groveland MA where they now have their new distribution center and manufacturing plant. The KettlePizza is made in the USA exclusively.  Al and George are currently shipping their brain child worldwide! (Check out!)

These adaptations for Kettle Grills are not made by Weber but I bet they help sell a lot of new Weber Grills as men worldwide catch onto this great idea! Looking for some recipes for pizzas for your grill? Here you go! There are also lots of forums online on how to best cook your pizza on a grill.  Who knew?

Video on YouTube

Monday, June 11, 2012

Beat The High Cost Of Fancy Manicures!

Do you head to the manicurist weekly or every ten days for a new manicure? Ever wish you could pump up your manicure yourself and save some cash? Do your own nail art--Dollar Store nail art?
Impossible you say? Not so! Perfect nail art is easy to do all by yourself at home with a trick straight from your Dollar Store!
What do you need? Your favorite base coat, favorite polish, sealer, contrast color for design, and masking tape. And from you Dollar Store? A design punch! Little stars, hearts etc. are perfect for decorating your nails. Can't find one in the Dollar Store? Try Michael's Crafts or your favorite local craft store, theirs will cost more but work the same.

Just punch out a shape or design on masking tape. So easy! I picked up a heart shape punch from my Dollar Store! Perfect for this project! A steal at a dollar! It might take a few tries to get the punched hole right  because of the stickiness of the tape, but keep trying.

Attach the design cutout piece of masking tape to your nail firmly, otherwise your polish will bleed.

Apply your contrasting color polish. This is when you can go as wild as you want. Try glitter, dots, animal prints anything you can think of! It's impossible to make a mistake because your manicure is covered by masking tape!

After about a minute of dry time slowly and gently peel off tape. Very slowly. Soft and slow will keep you from messing up your manicure. Then add your sealant. You can use the same piece of masking tape over and over.

See I told you! (I know, it's rude to say 'I told you so." But it works to give you the perfect addition to your manicure!
And while you might want to let the manicurist do your nails for special occasions, this nail art is perfect for 'fixing' nails that had somehow gotten nicked up over the week after your manicure.
So give it a try, for a dollar or two you can't go wrong.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dirty Dancing--History In The Movies

Last night I went to see the 25th Anniversary of the movie Dirty Dancing sponsored by Skinny Cow, the makers of low cal ice cream treats. While I am the first to admit how much I enjoy this movie, as much now as when it first came out, the historical perspective you get watching this movie is without par.

You see the difference in health care. An illegal abortion--how scary it is to think we could ever go back to those 'good ole days?' Yet there are politicians today who are hell bent on doing just that. 

The movie also illustrated the difference in how women were treated and their expectations. There was the belief that women would grow up and even if they had a good education, they were supposed to 'decorate' the arm of a man at best.

The 1960s---a time of change. When girls were becoming women, and women gained power in more than just the home. A time when men were having to adjust their attitudes in the way they treated women but were uncomfortable with those changes.

Baby? Frances? One of the people near me in the audience commented on 'why did they name Baby Frances?

It seems few of them realized that Baby was named for a highly influential woman in the Roosevelt cabinet, Frances Perkins, a social worker and economist (as well as an early feminist) who was FDR's Secretary of Labor. Frances Perkins was one of the first women to fight for the right to retain her own name after her marriage--you go Frances!

There was also the racial component of the movie. Maybe 1 out of 50 cast members were not Caucasian. The early 60's was a time when Caucasian Americans accepted African Americans and other non-Caucasian as entertainers but not as equals.

I hope all of us learn something from Dirty Dancing other than how to do the Mamba or the Cha Cha.  I hope we learned how important tolerance, acceptance, and equality are.

I hope we learn we do not want to go back to those 'good old days' no matter how much Rick Santorum and friends would like us to.

At the end of the movie when Baby and Johnny do the last dance and the dance lift is a success I see it as a symbol of how the two of them have lifted the consciousness of each other and of some of the people in the movie. They didn't solve the issues, but they made a start. A few people at time. A few issues at time. It's the only way we make change.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

#HeyTomCorbett Look What You've Done Now!

#heytomcorbett all our students in all our schools need the arts saveudarts

Sometimes I think Governor Corbett and the others working on the budget have forgotten the 'little people.' The people who elected them. The people who can vote them right out of office again. The people who want to Save Upper Darby Arts.  The people whose signatures are on this petition.

#Hey Tom Corbett, did you forget the special ed students! Where will they go? Save UD ARTS

As a parent of two special education students who went through the Upper Darby School District Special Education System, I will admit it has it's positives, but negatives as well. But one problem is that many of the special education students are not mainstreamed into regular ed classes except for 'specials' like art and music. Governor Corbett wants to take these away. Where will this leave our children? The people who signed this petition want answers. The people who signed this petition to Save Upper Darby Arts!

#Hey Tom Corbett are you pushing special ed students back into segregated classrooms?

Our children will be left on one floor in the high school, segregated from the rest of the school population because many of them cannot be mainstreamed into regular education classes. Sign the petition. Be one of the few, the strong, the outspoken, the signers of the petition to Save Upper Darby Arts.

 #Hey Tom Corbett do you care about special education? Save UD Arts!

I was fortunate. My daughters were mainstreamed. Mostly because they had a combination of regular school, a great tutor (paid for by us), and they were also taught at home. Regrettably most special education students aren't that lucky.  People care about equal education for all. These people signed the petition to Save Upper Darby Arts.

#Hey Tom Corbett make all our children count!

Use these tweets, make up your own. But be sure to sign the petition to Save UD Arts.  Choose you tweets, choose one, choose all. But sign the petition to save Upper Darby Arts.

#Hey Tom Corbett do you care? do you care about all students or only a few?

Let Governor Tom Corbett know you care and you will stand up and speak out and sign the petition to Save Upper Darby Arts!  Use the power of twitter to get other parents, former students, teachers and current students to sign the petition. Their signature is power. We have to take the power back into our own hands. Tweet now. And vote your conscience later if we don't get results.

Your Spending Profile-Are You A Shopaholic?

Are you a shop-a-holic? Read through this article (then print the questions in it and stash them in your purse) and see how much money it saves you!

Do you spend more than you should with each trip to the mall, Target or Walmart? If this describes you as you are about to walk out the door, STOP! It's time to ask yourself these important questions:
  • Why am I going shopping?
  • Will I feel better emotionally after I go shopping?
  • How did I feel before I went shopping?
  • What would happen if I put off making the purchase until tomorrow or next week?
These questions will help you identify if you are shopping from an emotional need and if your shopping is driven by feelings of stress, loneliness, boredom or acquisitiveness.  Take the time to walk to the other end of the mall or strip center and then back again before making that purchase.  Will you still want it? Still need it? Or was it a spur of the moment impulse buy?

Then ask yourself WHY you want to make this particular purchase. If you aren't making this purchase to stave off a needy feeling of one kind or another then why are you making it?

Next ask yourself:
  • What will I use this item for? Do I REALLY need it?
  • Can I afford to pay for this item (without using my credit card or some other long term payment plan?)
  • What is there about this dress, pair of shoes, book, handbag or whatever the purchase is that makes me sure that this is THE item I need.
  • Does the item really fit? Will it mesh with the rest of my wardrobe or decor?
  • If I walk to the other end of the mall and back again how will I feel if the item is no longer available?
  • And if I take it home and it doesn't match the rest of my wardrobe will I return it or will it sit in my closet with the tags still on?
If after you have asked yourself all the questions and you still feel this is the item you want and it's the very best use you can put the amount of money you are spending to, then make that purchase. But if you get it home and find it doesn't match, take IT BACK! Or if you have 'buyer's remorse' don't just leave it in the bag or hanging in the closet complete with tags and never enjoy wearing it. And don't go back to the store and buy something to go with it.

I hope these tips help you curb your spending!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Face of Delaware County

Looking for makeup tips? Visit Avon in Delaware County and Avon Rep Carly Vecchione. Hear all about new products, Carly's favorite products and more!

Tell us what your favorite Avon products are! Did you know Avon has a line known as Tiny Tillia? Great products designed just for kids. No more sharing your bubble bath with your toddler, now Tiny Tillia has bath and other products designed just for you tot!

Looking for a gift for a grad or dad? Avon has it all!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Don't Forget! It's Avon Walk Time!

Don't forget it's time for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Whether you are walking or are looking for another way to support this cause if you're not a distance walker it's time to be proactive!

Visit your Avon representative in person or online (click on side panel ad) and see the new products available that make perfect gifts. Whether you purchase a scarf, shirt (shirts are available for men and women and in multiple styles and colors,) umbrella, or other product, help Avon fight this disease.  If you can't walk, support someone who does and/or buy products that support the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, this disease effects us all, if not directly than through family and friends.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Do You Live With A Drama Queen?

drama queen Pictures, Images and Photos
Drama Queen image by Mish

Do you live with a drama queen? You know who you are if your daughter is one... every comment starts with "Oh mother!..." and ends with her huffing off in disgust. In between there is cajoling, (and if that doesn't work she'll resort to flat out begging,) then sniffles and crying jags and hissy fits interspersed with the words you come to dread hearing "You just don't understand!"

Does your daughter seem to overreact to every little hiccup in her life? Blowing each small incident into a huge event? As her parents were you either for or against her, with no in between? Oh yes, I recognize this! Did your daughter's whole world seem to fall apart at the smallest provocation? And if you ignore her? Oh my god! You just started World War III! And yet as a parent, you have to put a stop to it, you can't let her think the world revolves around her, forever! (Although there are times it is tempting, because face it, it is way easier than putting your foot down!)

Yes, every event becomes a tragedy (or once in a great while a huge comedy!) Remember the day she was so over the top you had to go hide in the bathroom to stifle your giggles over her craziness?You learned Will Shakespeare had nothing on your pre-teen or teen daughter! And that as much as she aggravated you, if you kept your sense of humor about the whole thing, you'll remember and one day get back at her by writing a book or a sit com about her! Or at the very least commenting about her teen years to her future husband--(just so he knows what he's signing on for.) Because has she REALLY changed? Or has she just learned to bury the drama and haul it out for the times when she really wants something?

I have friends who remember when their daughters (also drama queens) wanted to drive to the shore when they'd just gotten their driver's license the day before. And the daughter didn't quite understand why her mom took the keys and hid them? Informing her under no circumstances was she driving down to the beach with five other girls was not a conversation any mother would want to relive! Not only that, the girls had all conspired ahead of time and so drama queen-itis was enacted all over town!

Yes, drama queens are alive and well and living, or at least used to be living in my house. Ah! The day she moved out was very...quiet.

Yes of course I miss her. I love her dearly. And I admit, sometimes I even miss the sheer entertainment value she provided me with!

Where did she get the propensity for dramatizing everything? Uh, well... you see I have to admit she got it from me.  And it's likely I taught her a lot of what she knows.  So what goes around comes around. Or as some mother's are fond on saying (although to be fair, my mom refrained) "I hope you get a daughter just like you!"